вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.


Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations can not protect backup copies that it has encrypted. The central administration console scans administration folders on an interval that also can be configured in the central administration console. Select a group for the clients from the Select a group for new clients list. About this task A client can run a script automatically when the client is first discovered by the central administration console. E-mail Application list Select one of the popular e-mail applications in the list. Each way requires that you use a keyword in the folder name.

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They are the only users whose workstations are connected to a backup server by a high-speed data connection. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites.

You can resend the group configuration to client23 by syorage client23 to the group again. Optionally, you can provide a description. Monitor the activity of clients to determine the health of your data protection system. The new configuration is automatically sent worktsations all clients in the accounting group.

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations

The first element in a table that receives focus is the toolbar. What to do next You can administer clients with the central administration console GUI. The e-mail configuration and scan interval are saved by the central administration console. Files protected by schedule are backed up even if they are open, but you can try to schedule the backup for a time when the files are closed. In the Script box, select a command from the list. You can also send a script to clients to address a problem.

Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. To prevent the messages from opening, clear the check box. In the filter text field, type a text string.

IBM® Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations

You know that client23 belongs to a group that excludes audio and movie files from backups. At the beginning of a scheduled backup, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations attempts to close all files that are listed in a text file called closeapps. From the list of names in the Filter On box, select one or more column manageg. Storing files in a remote storage area will protect the files in case local copies are lost.

Existing clients that contact this administration folder and are members of group none are added to the group. You can now edit the cell, and you qorkstations use arrow keys to navigate the table cells. By clicking the buttons, you can clear both tivkli, and select neither encryption or compression.

Release notes for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations Version

Such information may be available, subject to appropriate fastbafk and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. You can also change the administration settings and group configurations. You can enter the complete path of a file that you want to protect. O logs the most recent activity and audi t. The message appears in e-mail notifications and in the Alerts table in the Health Monitor task.

If, after deleting all versioned backup copies, local storage space is still insufficient, Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Workstations will delete the oldest non-versioned files. In the client GUI, this same log is called the activity report. The central administration console manages clients by sharing information with clients in administration folders.

Click the service with this name: Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Hivoli sub-file copies are saved as separate files on the remote storage.

When you put product upgrades or configuration files in the group administrative Downloads subfolder, all clients that share this group administrative folder automatically adopt the product upgrades or configuration. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation.

The installation path is predetermined, and cannot be changed. Verify that the group configuration matches the data-protection needs.

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