понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.


To make this modem workable with linux, we need to change these IDs. You can not install all software with wine as Bruno Pereira says. Logitech F Power Supply: Windows 10 Pro 64bit Comment: Then click "Write to Device" and wait some time. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. This modem driver is not came from Banglalion company. banglalion usb modem driver

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ZTE AX USB modem isn't detected by computer

Insert the username and password that you received from your banglalionwimax provider. Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled. Go there if you need more info about banglalion. I took the modem to Banglalion customer care, they tested it and said the modem is okay and there might be a problem with my computer. The modem worked just fine yesterday after I thought the problem got resolved but this morning I inserted the modem to computer and the moeem problem has appeared again.

Unplug the device - your modem is now ready to be recognized by ubuntu.

banglalion usb modem driver

Dipto K Kundu April 24, at Now double-click the installer file and click on "Run" if prompted. I am seriously confused, please help me if you can.

Posted by Unknown at 4: Please help me if you have any other way to install my qubee wimax modem shuttle uh produced by greenpacket uh in ubuntu I don't understand, if all the USB devices are detected by my computer and they all work well then why this modem isn't working here?

Most if not all of Banglalion's sriver modems, and specially the ax are pieces of crap.

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By the way, i think it's point less to ask Qubee for driver. But thank you for your suggestion. You can not install all software with wine as Bruno Pereira says. How do we handle problem users? Now modek "Read from Device" and you will get a panel like shown below figure.

Banglalion WiMAX Connection Manager

Then go over to the "Account" tab and press the "Find it" button to fill in your modem's MAC address automatically. I've tried disabling and then re-enabling USB bus controller, scan for new hardware, add a new device but the OS just doesn't recognize ZTE AX modem as wimax network adapter as it should.

March 19th, 6. Intel Core i5 K 4. Nice post, very informative. To make this modem workable with linux, we need to change these IDs. Powerguard volt-ampere simulated sinewave Operating System: Sign up to join this community. September 3rd, 8. A4Tech Bloody V3 Controller: Well, I've purchased my new computer. Cricket Fever October 17, at Go to device manager and try to disable and then re-enable the USB port.

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Amirul Islam March 20, at 8: You should notice it that the app shows there is no connected device. Kaktarua Kaktarua 1, 11 11 silver badges 22 22 bronze banglaliom. Intel Core i5 RAM:

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